Working with enterprise custom fields in Project Online

I was tasked with with writing a utility for setting Enterprise Custom Fields on User Resources in Microsoft Project Online. The fields got their values from Lookup Tables. Since is was Project Online, the client side object model, CSOM, had to be used. Without previous experience of MS Project, this proved to be tricky.

Here I present a C# class that should help anyone in the same situation to get started. It is a simple console application that show various ways to interact with MS Project, and in particular how to extract available custom field values and and set on user resources. Below are some interesting snippets of the code showing how to work with Project and CSOM. The complete class can do more and is available at the bottom as well as on GitHub.


Project Online is a (very) customized SharePoint site collection. We can use same techniques when working with it as with any SharePoint Online site. As always, we need to begin with getting a context. In this case we request a ProjectContext which is just a normal SharePoint context object with additional properties:


As always in CSOM, we need to explicitly load all resources we need to access:


Listing enterprise custom fields and lookup table entries is simply a matter of iterating over the respective properties:


A user resources is not the same as the user object. It seems that we can’t trust that all users emails are synced to Project Online. To get around this, I load user resource using the login name instead of just the email, by simply appending the claims prefix to the email:


Now we can get the custom fields from the user resource. Note that fieldValue is a string array, because it can be multi valued.


To set a custom field with the value of a lookup table we need to understand the internal structure:

  • Each value in both the custom fields and lookup tables have a GUID, an internal name and a display name (also called simply name or full value). (The internal name is actually a concatenation of the GUID and a word like “custom” or “entry”.)
  • A custom field may be bound to a lookup table. We use the internal name of the lookup table entries to set such custom fields.
  • Since these are custom fields, the compiler is not aware of them. In order to set such a field we need to access it using an [indexer] together with the internal name.
  • Since field values can be multi-valued, we need to set it using a string array.
  • Finally, to persist the changes we need to update the EnterpriseResources collection, because this is where the resources are stored.

Now that we know all this, it is actually quite easy to set the field! Assuming that we already have the internal names of the custom field and lookup table entry we wish to set it to:


Putting all of this together, I made a class that can be used to read and write custom fields, and also shows how to list a bunch of information from Project sites and its users. Use it as a template to make your own solution. You need to modify it to use your own login information and GUID:s before you can use it. Again, the full Visual Studio solution can be downloaded from GitHub.


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One Response to Working with enterprise custom fields in Project Online

  1. Roger Larson says:

    So how do you update a custom field that is not associated with a lookup table?

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