Do you rename a lot of files, such as digital photos and mp3:s? Then you should check out our utility Flash Renamer, that can rename hundreds of files in seconds! Try the free download and discover how much time you can save!

fire texture tutorial
written by Omer Afacan

Begin by filling the background with black.

Select the second layer. Now use the brightness processor (Size 20, Smooth 50%) and paint as shown in the image.

Add more brightness and darkness (right mouse button). Don't draw horizontal lines. The ideal drawing is steep lines like a right or left slash.

Add more darkness to the top of the image and add some brightness where you want. Use short and S-shaped movements when painting.

Give the final shape of your fire by adding more brightness to the heart of the fire. Keep going until it looks like realistic.

Now enter the color mixer to apply some color. Here I used brightness -10%, Red 50, Green 10, Blue -30. Or choose another color you like (It could be blue!) Use levels to change the overall appearance of the image. Set the Red max to 188 and Blue max to 108. This will increase the contrast of the image.

Pick the smudge tool (Size 7, Pressure 40%). Smudge the image from fire to darkness slowly. The aim of this is to give some edges of fire leaves. This is the most enjoyable part of the work. The drawing movement you apply must be hormonic with the movement of fire. Use short and S-shaped movements.

Select a new layer and paste some text there. Smudge and deform the writing slightly with S-shaped movements.

Finally erase some parts of the text using a standard brush painting with the right mouse button (Size 10-20, Pressure 100%, Smooth 50-100%). Also erase the bottom of the text. This gives the feeling that the text sinks into the fire.

Click here to see a the final image at full size!

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Do you rename a lot of files, such as digital photos and mp3:s? Then you should check out our utility Flash Renamer, that can rename hundreds of files in seconds! Try the free download and discover how much time you can save!

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