Snap2HTML takes a "snapshot" of folder structures on your harddrive and saves as HTML files. What's unique about Snap2HTML is that the HTML file uses modern techniques to make it feel more like a "real" application, similar to Windows Explorer, displaying a treeview with folders that you can click to view the files contained within (see example output). There is also a built in file search. Still, everything is contained in a single HTML file that you can easily store or distribute.
- Create folder listings and save as HTML
- One HTML file contains everything
- Listings with file explorer "look and feel"
- Built in search functionality
- Export file listings as plain text, JSON or CSV
- Link listings to the real files
- Sortable columns with filename, date and size
- Unicode support
- Automation via command line
- Portable
- Free Open Source Software
click to try it!
Exported file listings can be used in many ways. Here are some examples that I have found useful, but you can probably come up with your own ideas!
- Keep file listings as a complement to your backups (note however that this program does not backup your files! It only creates a list of the files and directories).
- Keep a list of the files on external HDDs and other computers in case you need to look something up and don't have access to right now.
- Save file listing for historic or nostalgic reasons, or for documentation.
- When helping your friends with their computer problems you can ask them to send a snapshot of their folders so you can better understand their problem.
- Put on your homepage and link the files so that visitors can browse the files on the server.