Dupli Find |
Thanks a million for Dupli Find! Your program has saved me hours of work!
- Opens text files, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.
- Displays a list duplicate lines / rows /cell that were found.
- Duplicates are ordered into differently colored sets.
- Visually select duplicates to remove, manually or automatic.
- Saves the file without selected duplicates.
- Can calculate frequency of recurring lines.
Use Dupli Find to...
- Manage your data lists, such as a newsletter email lists.
- Dedupe and clean your Excel databases.
- Gather statistics from your data files.
- Verify lists where each item must be unique.
- Help you perform data mining tasks.
- Join several text files into one, only keeping unique lines.
- Sort lines in textfiles, ascending or descending.
- Convert from Unix / Mac OS X format to Dos / Windows textfiles.