Do you rename a lot of files, such as digital photos and mp3:s? Then you should check out our utility Flash Renamer, that can rename hundreds of files in seconds! Try the free download and discover how much time you can save!

mound button tutorial

Pick a medium gray color from the palette. Draw a circle either using the filled circle tool (press the shift key to get it perfectly round) or by making a hard and round pen (smooth 0%, round 100%) and just click to paste it.

Select the gradient tool and set it to radial mode. Use the preset gray scale gradient and draw a line starting at the bottom left corner to somewhere beyond the top right corner.

Make a copy of the button.

Use the pick brush tool to get a copy and then paste it using left mouse button. Try to learn the hotkey for pick brush 'B' as this is one of the most important hotkeys!

Now make your brush a little bit smaller. Paste it over the copy using the right mouse button to create a nice hole!

By using the right mouse button the opposite processor is used, in this case the opposite of paint which is erase.

Now cut out the copy, rotate it 180' (press Z twice) and paste over the original and voila!

If you pick a brush with the right mouse button you will clear the area at the same time!

Finally enter the mixer to add some color to the button. Also pick a bright color and paste some text on the button.

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Do you rename a lot of files, such as digital photos and mp3:s? Then you should check out our utility Flash Renamer, that can rename hundreds of files in seconds! Try the free download and discover how much time you can save!

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