Do you rename a lot of files, such as digital photos and mp3:s? Then you should check out our utility Flash Renamer, that can rename hundreds of files in seconds! Try the free download and discover how much time you can save!

rounded button tutorial

Pick a hard and round pen: smooth 0%, round 100% & size 32. Pick a medium gray color from the palette and select the line tool. Draw a straight line from left to right.

To get a 100% straight line, press the shift key while drawing!

Decrease the size of the pen down to 26 and switch to the brightness/darkness processor. Now draw a line inside the previous using the right mouse button.

Use the minus key on the keypad to change brush size.

Enter the color mixer. Set green to 15% and click Ok.

Pick a yellow color and switch processor back to color. Now decrease the pen size down to 22. Position a round spot to the left of the button

Change to white and create a text brush. Paste your text on the button and it's ready to use!

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Do you rename a lot of files, such as digital photos and mp3:s? Then you should check out our utility Flash Renamer, that can rename hundreds of files in seconds! Try the free download and discover how much time you can save!

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