square button tutorial
Begin by drawing a rectangle using the filled rectangle tool.
Select the normal rectangle tool and set the processor to brightness. Set the amount of brightness to 50% and pick a smooth round brush: size 8, smooth 100% & round 100%. Now draw a rectangle slightly outside the top left corner of the button to far outside the bottom right corner.
You may need to decrease the brush spacing value to about 10% to get the best result. If you do so it is a good tip to swap brush spacing back to the standard 25% when done to avoid confusion later on.
Now we do the same on the opposite sides using the darkness processor. Paint with the right mouse button to use the darkness processor.
Many processors have an opposite processor, eg paint/erase and soften/sharpen. You can choose which one to use by painting with either the left or the right mouse button!
Pick a bright color and create a text brush. Type desired text and paste it on the button.
Last of all we add a little highlight in the top left corner to make it look more shiny! Use a small smooth brush (size 4) and the brightness processor.
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