Edit SharePoint property bags with SpPropertyBag.js bookmarklet

SpPropertyBag.js is a drop-in JavaScript for editing SharePoint web properties (the “property bag”). Simply paste the script into the JavaScript console and run it to open a dialog where you can view, edit, add, and remove properties:


Even easier is to use it as a bookmarklet in your web browser that you can click when you need access to the web properties! Simply paste this code into a new link in your browser’s toolbar:

Here is the full script. It is also available for forking at GitHub.


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5 Responses to Edit SharePoint property bags with SpPropertyBag.js bookmarklet

  1. Pingback: Export Any Web Part using a Bookmarklet | CHUVASH.eu

  2. Pingback: Export Any Web Part using a Bookmarklet - Bool Tech

  3. Thijs Erends says:

    Thanks Dan, works like charm.

  4. kc says:

    This is so fucking useful omg

  5. phil says:

    Thanks! This helped me update properties of xsltlistviewwebpart web parts with javascript.

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